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2024 | Activity Reports

Monthly Activity Reports



Dear Friends:

Here at Port Mercy, we continue to work on the ships, distribute food each week  and train SeaHawks. We are evaluating the best way for us to help the victims of  Hurricane Helene and keeping an eye on another disturbance in the Gulf that could  be headed this way.

Read the latest Report



Dear Friends:

Thank you for the wonderful help you provide to Friend Ships! We are happy to report what we have been able to accomplish this month!

Read the latest Report



Dear Friends:

Thank you for the great help you are to us each month! On July 20th, the current SeaHawks graduated from a year of selfless service to people in need! What an awesome team they are and we pray great blessings on them as they move forward with the Lord.

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Dear Friends:

Thank you for the wonderful help you provide each month! At home base, Port Mercy, we’ve had three church teams and two ships engineers who have come to help! They have worked alongside the crew aboard the ship, in the greenhouse, on the grounds, in the food ministry and more. What a blessing these visiting workers are!

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Dear Friends:

In mid-April Victory Worship Center from Sulphur, Louisiana led a local “foreign” missions trip with more than 40 people to Port Mercy to do a total repair, healing, and remodeling of the home of a family who has faithfully served Friend Ships for almost 30 years. What a wonderful team. What an amazing gift of love.

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Dear Friends:

Thank you so much for standing with us as we pursue the work set before us by the Lord. The project in Israel is in full swing. Our teams have been in high demand. There is an urgent need to help the small farmers who are located in the area adjacent to Gaza. They have few harvesters because as the war rages, people are afraid to come into the area and prior to the conflict, many of the harvesters were Gazans.

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Dear Friends:

Thank you for all you do continually to help and bless us here at Friend Ships!

These past two months have been exciting as we start a new Middle East project. We’ve leased a large house as a base of operations in the South of Israel and will be working with the Mayor’s office in Sderot to provide assistance to the community. Residents are now making the transition to return home after having had to flee in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of October 7th.

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2023 | Activity Reports

Monthly Activity Reports



Dear Friends:

Thank you so much for all you do each month, each year to help us carry on the work the Lord has assigned to us. It is invaluable! This month has been productive with StoreHouse One, the food outreaches from Lake Charles, Louisiana and in the South Bay of Los Angeles, California. Every day beautiful, healthy food is donated by local businesses and is distributed right away to people in need.

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Dear Friends:

Thank you for your great help to Friend Ships throughout the year. We hope you had a blessed Thanks-giving and have a peaceful, enjoyable Christmas season. This month, the Sea Hawks graduated from their basic training, an important milestone in their year of service. Each one had friends and family attend the ceremony marking this special event.

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Dear Friends:

Thank you so very much for all you continue to do for Friend Ships! It is such an honor to serve the Lord and advance His Kingdom. This month Friend Ships celebrates 38 years since God gave us the Spirit Ship. What an awesome journey it has been, all Glory to our great God!

StoreHouse One continues to grow and flourish. Each week, Open Door Biker Church, the Council on Aging, The Lord’s Place, Greater St. Mary’s and City of Rescue pick up food and distribute it to needy families, the elderly, the homeless and veterans in need. All incoming and outgoing food, absolutely free of charge. From Jesus with Love!

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Dear Friends:

Thank you for all you continually do for Friend Ships! In late August, the Sea Hawk session began. The new recruits started training with orientation, basics of Christianity, physical fitness, and drills. In the first few weeks, they studied the Book of James and are working on memory verses, learned to ready their uniforms and rooms for inspection, worked on forklifts, building tents, and picking up, sorting, and distributing food out into the local community. There is so much more ahead in the exciting year to come!

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Dear Friends:

Currently, we are preparing for the SeaHawk session that will start in late August at Port Mercy where students will have 12 weeks of basic training and then go to the Golan Heights of Israel where they will work with Friend Ships, study the Word as they tour Biblical locations, excavate historical sites and more.

We are also getting ready to present Disaster Relief Training in October.

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Dear Friends:

Thank you for your loving support! It is so good to have you with us as part of our team.  This month we have been blessed to have a wonderful work group from Missouri State University who helped us with repairs to the office building and an RV that will serve as a home for returning long-term crew. The team organized incoming donations, improved the greenhouse, and helped with groundskeeping, including providing a new (to us) riding mower to lighten our work. We were doubly blessed to receive a donation of a second beautiful lawn mower, an awesome Dixie Chopper, from Pastor Dwayne Daigle of Church of the Promise in Iowa, Louisiana.

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Our home base, Port Mercy is so valuable to our operations, providing safe moorage for our ships, offices, warehousing for cargo and equipment, and housing for our team. These past two years we have been slowly restoring the damage caused by a brutal hurricane season in 2020. This month, we were able to gravel the main road,  organize several containers, and carry on with routine maintenance and repairs…

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We have been so blessed this month with donations of food and household goods that we have shared with community organizations. We are able to regularly provide food and supplies to local ministries helping the homeless and elderly and giving to several church food distributions giving aid to families in need of assistance.

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In the Middle East, an opportunity has opened to work in Bethlehem, the very special city of Jesus’ birth. We are still determining all the details but are planning to invite church teams in to join us in helping…

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This past month we have collected wonderful food from grocery stores and have grown produce in The Garden at Port Mercy. In addition to feeding our wonderful team, this food has been able to provide for ministries…

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2022 | Activity Reports

Monthly Activity Reports



As we look back over the accomplishments of this year, we are so grateful to God and to our crew and support team for all that was accomplished. We were able to provide weekly food to several churches and organizations… 

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Thank you for your continued love and support to Friend Ships. You are an integral part of our operations. These are exciting times to be serving the Lord! As my dearest friend and mentor, Agnes Numer would say, “Put on your running shoes. We have things to do, places to see, and children to feed!”

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Friend Ships has started to provide relief to victims of Hurricane Ian in Florida. There is widespread need and although the government provides aid, there are generally devastated but overlooked areas in need. We look for churches to help those who are working in these areas. On September 29th, as the hurricane was still passing, we loaded out a trailer of hygiene supplies for police officers from Iowa, Louisiana who were headed out to help fellow officers in Florida.

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As food prices are soaring, a long-time vision is unfolding here at Friend Ships to grow fresh vegetables for our local poor and needy and Friend Ships volunteers. We have been blessed with a commercial-size greenhouse to bring the vision to fruition.

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Thank you so much for your continued support.  After completing our fiscal year and as we looked back over what we were able to accomplish in the past 12 months, it was such an encouragement!

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This month we have been blessed to be able to contribute food and other items to several ministries that provide for people in need.

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This month we have been blessed to be able to contribute food and other items to several ministries that provide for people in need.

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Please contact us to request a current or past copy of the Activities Reports.




Friend Ships 35 Great Years – From Jesus with Love!

Read about our 35 years of working in ministry and walking with the Lord in His love, mercy, and provisions. With the help of people like you willing to serve, give, and pray, we have been able to respond to God’s call and over the years, help hundreds of thousands of people.

Read the Special Report