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Port Mercy - FriendShips

Port Mercy, the 20- acre Friend Ships home base in Lake Charles, Louisiana is where planning, preparation, and logistics take place for all missions,  domestic and international.  Here we house our ships, full-time volunteers,  equipment, and supplies.  We collect commodities for humanitarian aid and distribute them to organizations that assist the homeless, sick, impoverished, or victims of natural disasters, human trafficking, or war.

StoreHouse One

Friend Ships rescues useable food that would otherwise be destroyed and distributes it to organizations and churches in the community that are assisting the poor, sick, elderly or homeless. To date, 66 million pounds of food has been collected and distributed. Not only is food given to those in need, but the program provides prayer and a personal touch that encourages those who are going through difficult times.

Wondering how you can help?

Get Involved - Serve with us

Your service can make a big difference at Port Mercy in Lake Charles, LA – Long-term or short-term. (Teams or groups are welcome to email us for availability).

Guest teams are a huge help to our efforts. Come for a day, a week or more.

Pelicans Nest Refit

Introducing Disaster Relief Ship


In the aftermath of a hurricane, there is widespread destruction and an absence of the essential elements of everyday life. Power is out; water systems compromised; communications interrupted. There is limited access to fuel, food and people need help. They need encouragement and spiritual support.

Thanks from government officials on previous Friend Ships Disaster Relief Missions:

". . .I never imagined all the resources that came to our aid. When not one but two ships of relief sailed into our port, I thought that we were fortunate to have your help. However, as the weeks wore on, I could not keep up with the large number of volunteers that came to our assistance.."

"Your quick response to some of the hardest hit disaster areas have been noted the world over. Consequently when you returned to the Island to help us we knew that we were in good (God's) hands... You have helped Galvestonians by providing needed supplies, feeding thousands of people a day, providing tarp, gutting homes and removing debris for the elderly and disabled."

"You have helped so many in these communities; offering them food and helping them clean and gut their homes. What you have contributed to this community is priceless. Every part of your organization is appreciated dearly for all the things you are able to do for the communities you assist in disaster relief."

Volunteer teams are able to offer services unavailable through government channels. They cook and serve hot meals, knock on doors to check on residents, clear debris, provide temporary roofs, distribute commodities, offer spiritual support, rescue pets, sandbag and so much.

Volunteer church teams are waiting to come in to help the devastate neighborhoods but without housing, electricity, clean water, food and  communications, it is all but impossible.  This is where Pelican’s Nest comes in!

She will sail into port with thousands of gallons of fuel and water, food, needed supplies, helicopter support and satellite communications. The ship arrives with housing for 100 + volunteers, a watermaker to desalinate thousands of gallons a day, meeting/planning rooms, electronics, a fully equipped galley and hundreds of tons of heavy-duty vinyl to protect damaged homes, hygiene products, cleaning supplies and food.

The Friend Ships crew at Port Mercy has started reactivation of Pelican’s Nest (formerly Challenger) preparing her for a new name and a new mission! A work team started the process of chipping and painting decks. Chief Engineer Gunter Meza, the crew, Sea Hawks and local volunteers have begun to tear down and check all systems including generators, main engines, air conditioning, refrigeration, plumbing, galley, laundry and more, making repairs as necessary. Their progress has been amazing, as the wonderful ship comes to life!

Wondering how you can help?

Get Involved - Serve with us

Your service can make a big difference at Port Mercy in Lake Charles, LA – Long-term or short-term. (Teams or groups are welcome to email us for availability).

Guest teams are a huge help to our efforts. Come for a day, a week or more.