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SeaHawks is an elite training program for young men and women who desire a serious challenge in devotion to Christ and service to others.

SeaHawks is designed for young men and women between the ages of 18 – 25 who are seeking what God has for their lives and wish to grow in their walk with Christ.

What makes a Sea Hawk Elite?

A servant’s heart, a steadfast faith, a strong work ethic, and a readiness to be a young leader in the work of the Kingdom. These are just a few of the qualities that set our program apart.

2024 SeaHawk Graduation

Sea Hawk
Core Values

To be people that place God first and foremost, as the center and reason for all we do, think and speak. God is the foundation for the values and ideals we hold dear.

Contact us if you’d like more information about the Sea Hawks program.

Take the next step,
become a Sea Hawk

To be people of excellence

To be held by ourselves and others to the highest possible standard. To live our lives as unto the Lord, giving Him our best in speech, thoughts, and actions.

To be people of physical and moral courage

Courage is not the absence of our fears but rather facing and overcoming them. To choose to do the difficult right over the easy wrong. This can be accomplished through reliance on our God.

To be people who show God’s love to the world around them

To reach out to those that are hurting in this world with any available resources we have, for the purpose of helping them develop a relationship with Christ or to deepen an existing relationship they already have.

To be people of honor

To live a life that shows respect to all those with whom we come in contact, including those over us in authority, under us in authority and our peers. To live our life as an offering to God that will not bring reproof to His Name or the Christian faith.

To be people of integrity

To be people of our word. Integrity is to live and act as we speak. As the Bible says in James 1:22 “But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.” To live so that people know they can trust us.

“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.”


Physical conditioning builds a foundation in general fitness by increasing cardio, core strength and upper body development.


Drill is the basic way in which recruits learn discipline and teamwork. At first, they learn to stay in step with their unit, platoon, and unit leaders. However, as training continues the movements become more complex.


The Sea Hawk program is an 11-month program designed for young men and women between the ages of 18 – 25 who are seeking what God has for their lives and wish to grow in their walk with Christ.


Their training begins on day one and each day will build upon the one before it.  Skills and values are reinforced at each level and by all involved in the program.  Throughout the 12 weeks of basic training the core values, Bible ethics, and code of conduct are taught on a daily basis.


Recruits will be built up spiritually with unit Bible studies and prayer time as well as lectures by those considered experts in their field.  They will also be taught a variety of ways in which to share their faith.


Recruits are evaluated daily during boot camp by their unit leaders for their performance and how well they are developing an understanding of the core values, code of conduct, and ethics.  There are also set assignments and tests for each subject that they will be studying.

2024 SeaHawk Israel Mission

Take the next step to become a Sea Hawk

2023 SeaHawk Basic Training

Life as a Sea Hawk